Lucille is a Core Energetics Practitioner having graduated from The Institute of Core Energetics and is also a certified meditation and yoga instructor. Lucille integrates her experience as a nurse, a Core Energetics Practitioner and her own personal meditation and spiritual work to guide clients who want to transform what no longer serves them in order to live their fullest, most authentic life, bringing them in to alignment with their life purpose.

Core Energetics is a modality of actively engaging in body-oriented personal growth work and spiritual development.

Core Energetics helps us understand how we may be chronically living our life with blocked/stuck energy patterns being held in our body over time from unprocessed emotions by bringing consciousness to and releasing the blocked energy/emotion which would otherwise continue to distort our perceptions and cause dis-ease.

Old (chronic) patterns without consciousness and transformation keep us recreating similar life situations and relational dynamics, leaving us trapped and frustrated.

Core Energetics helps identify and dissolve these blocks, allowing us to experience more freedom and aliveness.

(Institute of Core Energetics)